Also known as semis or semi-trailer trucks, 18-wheelers can present a significant danger on the road. While 18-wheelers do not statistically cause any more accidents than conventional vehicles, the accidents they do cause are usually much more severe and often lead to serious personal injuries and property damage. If you have been involved in an accident with a semi, contact 18-wheeler accident attorneys at Larry Nussbaum’s office for professional representation.
Our 18-wheeler accident attorneys know the inner workings of semi-truck driving and about all aspects of accidents involving semis. With a comprehensive understanding of the various reasons that accidents occur with 18-wheelers, we will ensure that appropriate compensation is paid to victims based on both personal injuries and vehicle damage. No matter which side of the accident you are on, you will benefit from working with experienced attorneys.
Statistics show that individuals involved in accidents with semi-trailer trucks are in great danger of injury or even death. The primary cause of all crashes with 18-wheeler trucks is improper lane change or use. The majority of truck-involved fatalities occur on state routes. Our 18-wheeler accident attorneys will employ their knowledge and skills to ensure justice is served.
Whether the semi driver or other party is at fault, it is important to seek professional legal representation so that a thorough investigation of the accident can be conducted. Our 18-wheeler attorneys will make certain the victim, whether the semi driver or the individuals in the passenger vehicle, receives the financial compensation they deserve.
We have extensive experience representing injured passenger vehicle parties, semi drivers, and trucking companies. With the help of our attorneys, you can be sure the right avenues will be taken to ensure you are fairly compensated for your losses. Call Larry Nussbaum Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. today at 1-800-229-7989.