Can Intersection Accidents Be Avoided?

Intersections are some of the most dangerous areas on roadways. When multiple streams of traffic cross paths, the potential for collisions rises dramatically. While intersection accidents can never be eliminated, there are steps drivers can take to reduce the risks significantly.

Intersection Accidents

Understanding the Causes

The first step in avoiding intersection accidents is recognizing why they happen in the first place. Some of the primary causes include:

  • Distracted driving: Drivers who divert their attention by texting, operating cell phones, eating, adjusting radio/climate controls, or engaging in other manual or cognitive distractions are not fully concentrating on the driving task. At intersections, this lack of focus can easily lead to running red lights, failing to properly yield the right of way, and misjudging safe gaps to turn or proceed through the intersection.
  • Impaired driving: Alcohol, illegal drugs, some prescription medications, and fatigue can all significantly impair critical driving abilities like reaction times, judgment, and hazard perception skills. Drivers under the influence of such impairing substances pose major risks at intersections where rapidly changing scenarios require split-second decisions.
  • Aggressive driving: Road rage, speeding, tailgating, and unsafe lane changes put aggressive drivers at high risk for intersection collisions. They are more likely to run lights and disregard traffic signals/signs.
  • Environmental factors: Poor visibility from rain, snow, sun glare, or obstructed sightlines increases intersection dangers. Wet roads reduce traction for stopping. Icy conditions make it easier to slide into an intersection.

Preventing Intersection Accidents

While environmental factors are largely out of a driver’s control, there are proactive steps motorists can take to avoid intersection collisions:

  • Stay alert: Keeping eyes focused on the road, hands on the wheel, and mind on the driving task is crucial, especially when approaching intersections. Identify potential conflicts early.
  • Obey traffic signals/signs: A surprisingly high number of intersection crashes occur because drivers blatantly run red lights or stop signs. Always come to a complete stop and make sure intersections are clear before proceeding.
  • Adjust driving for conditions: Rain, snow, ice, and other environmental factors require slower speeds and greater following distances. Drive cautiously and plan stops ahead of intersections.
  • Avoid distractions: Put phones away, adjust audio/climate controls while stopped, and avoid other behaviors that divert attention when approaching and navigating intersections.

What to Do if an Intersection Accident Occurs

Even with prudent, defensive driving practices, the negligence of other drivers can still potentially cause an intersection collision. If involved in such an accident:

  • Try to remain calm: Being involved in a vehicle crash is understandably jarring, but it is crucial to not panic and carefully assess the situation. If possible and safe to do so, move vehicles out of active traffic areas and activate hazard lights.
  • Call emergency services: Promptly notify police and emergency medical services, especially if any injuries have occurred. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, so it is wise to have everyone involved evaluated by paramedics.
  • Document the scene: Safely exchange contact and insurance information with other drivers. Take detailed photos/video documenting vehicle damage, intersection layout, traffic signal phase, road conditions, and any other relevant factors.
  • Avoid admitting fault: Do not apologize or speculate on potential causes during this stressful situation. Provide only factual, objective statements about what occurred to authorities responding to the scene. Determinations of negligence are premature at this point.
  • Seek prompt medical attention: Even if you are only experiencing seemingly minor aches, soreness, or potential whiplash symptoms initially, have a doctor thoroughly evaluate you for any possible injuries sustained in the intersection collision.
  • Consult an experienced accident attorney: Intersection crashes can quickly become highly complex cases involving comparative negligence between multiple parties. An accomplished accident lawyer protects your rights and interests through every phase of the claims process.

At the law offices of Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah, our legal team has successfully advocated for many clients injured in intersection accidents across Massachusetts. We understand the overwhelming physical, emotional, and financial toll such crashes can take. Our attorneys compile meticulous evidence and vigorously pursue maximum compensation for medical costs, lost wages, vehicle repairs, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Staying Safe Requires Vigilance

Intersection accidents are often caused by drivers who are inattentive, impaired, or exhibiting reckless and aggressive behaviors behind the wheel. Staying alert, obeying traffic laws, driving cautiously for conditions, and eliminating distractions ensures that motorists can significantly reduce their risks. However, when the negligence of other drivers causes devastating intersection collisions, having legal representation from our team at Altman Nussbaum Shunnarah provides invaluable peace of mind. Our unwavering dedication allows clients to focus on recovering while we protect their rights and ultimately secure the compensation they deserve. Call us today.

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